How does China factor into your work? Investment from China in infrastructure has been going down partly because of the lockdowns and Covid, and also partly because of the challenge with some of the investments made in Sri Lanka, Zambia — basically a lot of issues. But they’re still engaged. They’re on the ground. They’re a big part of the economy now, because they’ve built quite a number of roads, they are invested in mines. And they’re a big market. If you look at bauxite, for example, it’s mainly China. If you look at iron ore, again, it’s mainly China. A lot of the crude oil as well, oil and gas, and that’s also China. China is quite active on the continent. There’s no doubt about it. But Africa is so huge and so vast — there’s room for everybody. We can’t be exclusive to one party. We have to be open to everybody. More importantly, we should be open to ourselves. It’s very important that we focus on how we trade amongst ourselves in that market. What are the biggest misconceptions about the investment readiness of African countries? The first one is this risk perception of Africa and the “prejudice risk premium” that we have to pay as Africans. There have been several studies done by a lot of the rating agencies, international rating agencies, that show that the only region with a lower default rate than Africa for project finance and infrastructure is the Middle East. Africa has the same default rate, at 5 percent, with Western Europe — lower than North America, lower than Latin America, lower than Asia. Yet, Africa risk is priced much significantly higher than everywhere else in the world. Another thing that is not understood is the African market itself. It’s quite a huge market — very many young people, all are very aspirational. And they are all consumers. The only people that are looking at the African market are the Chinese and the Asians. They understand that there is a huge market here, and they actually make products for the market. You said you think there’s a prejudice? Based on skin color? (Laughs.) It could be. It could be. What I mean by that is, if you look at Latin America and their history of defaults and the history of restructuring, and the price at which they can access funding, it’s very different from Africa, which has very little history of default. So the cost of capital in Africa is higher than any other region while the evidence of default rates in Africa is lower than most other regions. Another example: political risk insurance. Very few claims in Africa, but Africa has the highest premium. The Biden administration has pointed to corruption as a major global problem, a transnational challenge that it considers a national security threat, not just for us, but for every country. What does your organization do to combat corruption? We have subscribed to most anti-corruption, anti-bribery, anti-money laundering provisions of the world, and we try to enforce that. One of the ways to overcome this challenge is for more development to happen, and I mean sustainable development. With that kind of wealth creation, there’ll be less incentive for corruption, which is why our view is that we should focus on structural transformation, focus on value addition on the continent, focus on creating that middle class that comes as a result of this. Because once you have those jobs, you have a middle class. Once a middle class increases in the country, even the political outlook of the country changes. Corruption is corruption. We must have very clear rules against it. But we also need to look at how to prevent the incentive for corruption from happening. What's the toughest part of your job? Getting the capital that I need to do all the things required to be accomplished on the continent. If we continue to export raw cobalt, raw lithium, nickel we might just get about $12 billion. But if we can move to battery and cathode precursors? That’s $240 billion. If we move from exporting cotton — let’s say half a million tons of cotton exported, it’s probably $2 billion. If we move to T-shirts, to towels, that is about $38 billion in value addition and significant jobs created. So it is getting the capital to do all of that — that’s my biggest challenge. Thanks to editor Heidi Vogt and producer Andrew Howard. SUBSCRIBE to the POLITICO newsletter family: D.C. Playbook | Brussels Playbook | London Playbook | Paris Playbook |Ottawa Playbook | EU Confidential | | Digital Bridge | China Watcher | Berlin Bulletin | D.C. Influence | EU Influence | London Influence | Paris Influence