Congress’ year-end to-do list, Santos’ whip count

Presented by The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network: An evening recap of the action on Capitol Hill and preview of the day ahead
Nov 17, 2023 View in browser

By Daniella Diaz

Presented by

The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network

With assists from POLITICO’s Congress team

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.).

Congress still has a lengthy to-do list after they return from when they return from Thanksgiving break till Dec. 31. | Francis Chung/POLITICO


Lawmakers avoided an end-of-year CR showdown. But that doesn’t mean their work is done for the year — far from it.

Huddle on Wednesday detailed what the appropriations process will look like. But here’s a look at three other major unresolved items they have to address:

Federal Aviation Administration Reauthorization: When Congress passed the stopgap measure to keep the government open in September, it included an extension of the FAA’s operating authority through Dec. 31. But time to enact a full version is running out.

The House passed its version of the bill earlier this year, but the Senate version is mired in disputes over pilot training rules. And punting the bill has consequences on the aviation industry. An independent report revealed that a rise in aviation near-misses points much of the blame on the Hill’s shutdown politics and inadequate funding for the FAA.

Most likely outcome: It’s unlikely lawmakers can fast track the process to pass the FAA reauthorization. But there was some hope this week from Rep. Garret Graves (R-La.), chair of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee’s Aviation Subcommittee.

He said some lawmakers met recently with newly tapped FAA administrator Michael Whitaker and believes that he “has the potential to come in and break the logjam” on some of the contentious issues that have stifled the bill, notably pilot training rules.

If that doesn’t happen, Congress will probably extend the current reauthorization because letting it expire could endanger air systems.

Reauthorize and reform Section 702: The Section 702 foreign surveillance authority is set to expire at the end of the year and has been a subject of debate within the intelligence community because of privacy concerns.

The legislation is meant to target the communications of foreigners outside the United States, but has come under fire because of its ability to sweep in Americans’ private communications. As Jordain noted, the Intelligence Committee's proposal isn’t yet finalized, and isn't expected to be rolled out until after the House returns from Thanksgiving.

Most likely outcome: Lawmakers want to get reauthorization and reform done by the end of the year, but given the heavy lift, there's chatter among members about doing a short-term extension.

National Defense Authorization Act: Issues with NDAA almost held up Senate passage of the CR earlier this week after Sen. Roger Wicker, the ranking member on the Armed Services Committee, sought to enter into negotiations with the House on the legislation. While both chambers have passed their versions of the NDAA, which sets the policy priorities for the Department of Defense, the House has moved to conference but the Senate hasn’t yet.

The problem with going to conference is the House version is a partisan bill loaded with controversial amendments, while the Senate version is a bipartisan one without all the baggage. As a result, there are various policy items hanging in the balance.

Most likely outcome: The House and Senate will likely go to conference when they’re back from recess after Wicker’s concerns held up the stopgap measure. POLITICO’s defense reporters Joe Gould and Connor O’Brien tell Huddle that the House Armed Services committee and Senate Armed Services committee leaders have been meeting informally for months on the must-pass legislation and are close to being done.

— Daniella Diaz

A message from The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network:

Congress: Support the highest possible increases for cancer research funding at the National Institutes of Health and National Cancer Institute to make time. Literally. More than 1.9 million people are expected to be diagnosed with cancer in 2023 alone. But by investing in the research of today, you’re helping prevent, detect, and treat many of the cancers of tomorrow, creating countless moments for patients and their loved ones in the process. Fight Cancer. Make Time.


GOOD EVENING! Welcome to Huddle, the play-by-play guide to all things Capitol Hill, on this Friday, Nov. 17, where your Huddle host got both her Covid booster and flu shot today – thoughts and prayers.


Rep. George Santos (R-N.Y.) could be saying goodbye to Congress soon.

If every House Democrat signs onto the expulsion resolution introduced Friday to expel him, around 77 Republicans would need to join to force out Santos. When the House voted to boot Santos the first time, only 24 Republicans were in favor. Now, according to a POLITICO whip count, nearly 40 new Republicans support expulsion (on top of about 20 new Democrats). Only eight GOP members said that they would still vote against such an effort, with others saying they're still reviewing the ethics report or weighing their decision.

After the damning report from the House Ethics committee alleged “substantial evidence” that he violated federal criminal law, Santos said he would not seek reelection next year. But he could be gone before the end of this year.

Worth noting: Santos is still facing a slew of charges that he’ll be on trial for in 2024, regardless of whether he’s in Congress.

— Daniella Diaz, with assist from the POLITICO Hill team


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House Republicans, in conversations this week, set the bar for congressional comity at what must be an all-time low: Yeah, things are bad right now, but at least we’re not in the Civil War.

Rep. Tim Burchett (R-Tenn.), who accused former Speaker Kevin McCarthy of elbowing him in the kidneys this week, said: “In our history, people have had duels and fistfights and things like that,” he told POLITICO. “Right now we're in the middle of a civil war, but we're not in the middle of a Civil War.”

“A quick study of history will show you we have been in rough places before,” said Rep. John Curtis (R-Utah.). “And we always emerge better than we were before we went into it. And that's World War II. It's Vietnam. It's Watergate. It's the Civil War. You can point to a lot of really desperate times in the United States where you may have counted us out.”

There is relevant history here — this book is an excellent read if you want to read more — but amid wandering elbows and threatened fisticuffs, it feels like Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) isn’t wrong in pointing out why the public confidence in Congress is at an all-time low.

— Anthony Adragna


A message from The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network:

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It’s about to be the best time of the yea r at the Capitol, folks!

There is life after Congress. And it seems really fun.

We love to see women supporting women.

A message from The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network:

Cancer takes away many things, but the most devastating is time. And while policies and federal research investment have helped avert 3.8 million cancer deaths since 1991, the fight against the country’s second most common cause of death is far from over. With over 609,000 deaths and 1.9 million diagnoses expected in 2023, there is still work to do in the fight against cancer. And that is where you come in.

When Congress prioritizes ending cancer as we know it, you literally make time for patients, loved ones, caregivers, and everybody else affected by 200 diseases known as cancer. By investing in the research of today, you’re helping prevent, detect, and treat many of the cancers of tomorrow, creating countless moments for cancer patients and their loved ones in the process.

Fight Cancer. Make Time.



Top House Republican launches new push to expel Santos, from Olivia Beavers


Annie Weinberg is joining the National Women’s Law Center as their Director of Civic Engagement. She previously served as Rep. Summer Lee’s campaign manager, as well as the Elections Director for Democracy for America’s PAC. She was also the chief of staff of the Congressional Progressive Caucus foundation, Progressive Congress, and has advised campaigns for Stacey Abrams and Sen. Bernie Sanders.


The House is out.

The Senate is out.




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THURSDAY’S ANSWER: John Palatiello correctly answered that the California Legislative Analyst's Office was used as the model for the creation of the Congressional Budget Office in 1974.

TODAY’S QUESTION from John: Q - When the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act was enacted in 1974, it terminated a Congressional Committee that had been in existence since 1941 and transferred that committee’s responsibilities to the newly created Congressional Budget Office (CBO). What was the formal name of that committee, as well as its nickname?

The first person to correctly guess gets a mention in the next edition of Huddle. Send your answers to

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Follow Daniella on X at @DaniellaMicaela.


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