The first book to explain Joe Biden

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Sep 05, 2023 View in browser

By Ryan Lizza, Eugene Daniels and Rachael Bade

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With help from Eli Okun and Garrett Ross

President Joe Biden listens as he meets with Costa Rica President Rodrigo Chaves in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, Tuesday, Aug. 29, 2023. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)

On domestic policy, Franklin Foer’s new book reveals the still-unresolved tensions between Biden’s personal views and the leftward drift of his party. | AP

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NOT ON THE BANDWAGON — The WSJ editorial board comes out against banning DONALD TRUMP from the ballot on constitutional grounds: “The consequences of a 14th Amendment panic are likely to be worse for democracy and its institutions than trusting voters and 234 years of sturdy constitutional example.”

FRAMING THE DEBATE — The White House is charging out of the post-Labor Day gate attacking House Republicans over fentanyl policy in a new memo.

The backdrop, of course, is the looming Sept. 30 appropriations deadline, which is occurring at the same time that House Republicans threaten an impeachment inquiry into President JOE BIDEN.

Here’s how deputy press secretary Andrew Bates puts it in the memo, which we obtained exclusively:

“House Republicans have a stark choice to make: will they honor their word, meet their responsibility to avoid a shutdown, and act on life and death priorities like fighting the fentanyl crisis?

“Or will they break their promise and choose to shut down the government — hurting our economy, undermining our disaster preparedness, and forcing our troops to work without getting their paychecks — all to appease MARJORIE TAYLOR GREENE and her far-right friends’ demands for a baseless impeachment stunt simply to politically attack the President?”

This is a familiar playbook used by both BILL CLINTON and BARACK OBAMA as a GOP-controlled House careened towards a shutdown that was eventually blamed on Republicans: emphasize popular spending programs that will be sabotaged by a failure to pass annual spending laws.

The White House’s choice of fentanyl as the issue to highlight is a clever bit of political jujitsu, as it’s one of the most discussed issues among Republicans, especially on the 2024 campaign trail, where Biden is often blamed for not doing enough to ease the fentanyl crisis.

UNDERSTANDING JOE BIDEN — Franklin Foer’s insider account of the first two years of the Biden White House drops today.

As of this morning, “The Last Politician” ($30) is already a bestseller in several categories on Amazon. We read the book last week and sat down with Foer for a two-hour interview for the Deep Dive podcast this Friday. We agree with CBS News’ Bob Costa, who tells Daniel Lippman  this morning that the Biden presidency “is under-reported, understudied and often misunderstood.” Foer’s examination of Bidenism is the best attempt so far to fill in those gaps.

There are scoops on almost every page of the book, but we wouldn’t measure it solely on the basis of these newsy nuggets (though we will get to some of them in a moment). Foer’s more important contribution is deepening our understanding of Biden, both psychologically and ideologically.

On the former, that chip on the president’s shoulder is real, and Foer’s Biden is someone fueled by an endless reservoir of class-based status anxiety that causes him to both sneer at the Ivy League liberals and Democrats he has often competed with as well as desperately seek their approval.

This was at the heart of his complicated relationship with BARACK OBAMA. Foer reports, “Biden told a friend that Obama didn’t know how to say fuck you properly, with the right elongation of vowels and the necessary hardness of his consonants; it was how they must curse in the ivory tower.”

But when Biden loses the elites, he can be distraught— and angry. After LARRY SUMMERS criticized the American Rescue Plan in 2021, “Biden called Summers and unloaded on him.”

On domestic policy, the book reveals the still-unresolved tensions between Biden’s personal views and the leftward drift of his party. During a meeting to discuss options once the Dobbs decision was released, Biden seemed “more worried about how his administration might expand access to abortion than the fact that the Supreme Court was about to take away the right.”

In the early days of trying to roll back Trump policies on immigration, Biden chafed at how his aides were translating campaign promises into policies: “When he learned that ICE might stop targeting fentanyl dealers, sex offenders, and other felons, he exploded in anger. Plans were quickly changed.” (There’s a lot of Biden exploding in anger in the book.)

On both domestic and foreign policy, which Biden sees as similarly personal, Foer has new insights into Biden’s key relationships:

  • VOLODYMYR ZELENSKY: “President Biden considered him to be something of an amateur.”
  • VLADIMIR PUTIN: “Biden once described Putin’s slouch to a friend as that of an “asshole schoolkid.”
  • ANTHONY FAUCI: “Biden liked to joke to Anthony Fauci that he should sit in the Vice President’s chair.”
  • KAMALA HARRIS: “Biden wanted to treat Harris with the respect he felt Barack Obama hadn’t accorded him. He made a point of referring to her as the vice president, as opposed to my vice president.”

Other famous relationships of the Biden era are similarly dissected. Sen. JOE MANCHIN (D-W.Va.) naturally gets lots of ink, including what he thought of Biden’s chief of staff: “When he said the name, he almost always spewed, ‘RON fucking KLAIN.’” (They later reconciled over eggplant parm and pork cooked by commerce secretary GINA RAIMONDO.)

We’ve read every Biden book, and Foer’s is by far the best study of Biden since Richard Ben Cramer’s “What it Takes.” You might love Biden or you might hate Biden, but either way, if you want to understand him, you will want to buy this book.

Good Tuesday morning. Thanks for reading Playbook. Drop us a line with your reviews of “The Last Politician”: Rachael Bade, Eugene Daniels, Ryan Lizza.


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FIRST IN PLAYBOOK — In the first public poll of New Hampshire since the debate, there are more signs of NIKKI HALEY rising, Florida Gov. RON DeSANTIS slipping — and nobody coming remotely within reach of Trump. The NMB Research survey, conducted on behalf of the Competitiveness Coalition and the Josiah Bartlett Center for Public Policy, finds Trump at 47% in the first-in-the-nation primary, followed by DeSantis and Haley each at 10%, and then CHRIS CHRISTIE and VIVEK RAMASWAMY each at 8%. Poll summaryFull results

COVID RETURNS TO THE FIRST FAMILY — First lady JILL BIDEN has Covid-19 again. She tested positive for the coronavirus last night, though she’s only feeling mild effects, the White House announced. The president was tested thereafter and was negative, though he’ll keep testing and monitoring as the first lady quarantines in Rehoboth Beach, Del. The Bidens traveled to Florida together this weekend.

ELECTION DAY IN LI’L RHODY — “In Chaotic Rhode Island Primary, 11 Democrats Vie for a House Seat,” by NYT’s Kayla Guo

AND IN THE BEEHIVE — “Utah special election primary offers glimpse into Republican voters’ thoughts on Trump indictments,” by AP’s Mead Gruver



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11 a.m.: The president will receive the President’s Daily Brief.

3:30 p.m.: Biden will award the Medal of Honor to Army Capt. LARRY TAYLOR for “conspicuous gallantry” in the East Room. Backstory from

VP KAMALA HARRIS’ TUESDAY — The VP has already stopped at Yokota Air Base, Japan, for refueling and is now on her way to Jakarta, Indonesia, where she’ll arrive at 10:55 a.m. Eastern time. (At ASEAN, she’ll “face doubts and dysfunction,” AP’s Chris Megerian previews.)

THE SENATE will meet at 3 p.m. to take up PHILIP JEFFERSON’s nomination as Fed vice chair.

THE HOUSE is out.


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President Joe Biden greets people as he arrives to speak during a Labor Day event at the Sheet Metal Workers Local 19, in Philadelphia, Monday, Sept. 4, 2023. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)

President Joe Biden greets people as he arrives to speak during a Labor Day event at the Sheet Metal Workers Local 19, in Philadelphia, Monday, Sept. 4. | Matt Rourke/AP Photo


2024 WATCH

FALLING FLAT — HUNTER BIDEN has so far had less of a starring role in the GOP presidential primary than you might have expected, as the contenders racing to catch Trump increasingly see him as unhelpful to highlight, Natalie Allison reports this morning. Party strategists say that raising the issue merely helps Trump in the primary — and isn’t connecting as well with voters, despite the constant drumbeat of conservative media coverage of the president’s son’s scandals. Kitchen-table issues are carrying the day instead, especially as many voters remain skeptical that Hunter’s troubles implicate the president in corruption.

One person who’s not skeptical: Trump, who’s been working hard to change his adversary’s nickname from “Sleepy Joe” to “Corrupt Joe,” NBC’s Sahil Kapur writes. But it’s quite the messaging pivot to switch from painting Biden as mentally feeble to casting him “as a nefarious mastermind who is pulling the strings of a complex justice system without leaving any fingerprints.” And even Trump himself “sometimes slips back into old habits” as he toggles between the contradictory portrayals of Biden.

CHOOSE YOUR FRAMING — “Pence vs. Ramaswamy is quickly becoming the hottest undercard feud of 2024,” by Lisa Kashinsky and Adam Wren in Salem, N.H. … “Ramaswamy, Pence cross paths but don’t trade fire at GOP Labor Day picnic in key presidential primary state,” by Fox News’ Paul Steinhauser in Salem, N.H.

NICE GUYS FINISH … WHERE? — “‘Nice doesn’t mean that you’re not strong’: On the trail as Tim Scott tries to woo voters,” by ABC’s Gabriella Abdul-Hakim: “Despite some reports that [Sen. TIM] SCOTT may be reassessing his strategy to become more aggressive with other candidates, his campaign says he’s staying the course.”

A NEW ENTHUSIASM GAP — “Democratic elites struggle to get voters as excited about Biden as they are,” by NBC’s Peter Nicholas and Megan Lebowitz


BATTLE FOR THE STATES — “Huntington Mayor Steve Williams to run for West Virginia governor in 2024,” by WOWK-TV’s Jessica Patterson and Mark Curtis: “So far, he is the first known [D]emocratic candidate to enter the race.”

BIG QUESTION FOR THE GOP — “Some Republicans Worry that a Trump Nomination Could Bring Steep Down-Ballot Losses for the GOP,” by The Messenger’s Tom LoBianco in Atlanta


SHUTDOWN SHOWDOWN — As Congress barrels toward a fight over funding the government this month, expanding the southern border wall looms as a major sticking point for the band of far-right members threatening to gum up proceedings, CBS’ Scott MacFarlane reports. And Rep. CHIP ROY (R-Texas) seems to be everywhere these days, warning that he might not let the government stay open — or KEVIN McCARTHY remain as speaker — without major spending and policy changes. “If somebody’s getting all squeamish about the border wall, I mean, frankly my response is: Kiss my a**,” he tells CBS.

Roy is gearing up for a fight: On X, he reposted a message that said “Chip for Speaker!!!” and wrote other posts like “Let’s roll,” “Saddle up” and “Game time.” So much for McCarthy’s plea to his conference to save the big spending battles for after the stopgap.


ON THE FLIP SIDE — Across the four criminal trials facing Trump, signs are growing of some co-defendants and other allies flipping on the former president, Josh Gerstein and Kyle Cheney write this morning. It’s hardly unexpected: Smaller fish often work with prosecutors to spare themselves, or build a legal case presenting themselves as spotless relative to the big kahuna. From MARK MEADOWS to YUSCIL TAVERAS to Republican activists in Georgia, several Trump allies have moved toward government cooperation or blame-shifting. That’s especially true in the sprawling Fulton County case, which has 19 people charged. And a broad executive immunity claim by Trump, if successful, could also shield defendants lower down.



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ANOTHER THING TO KEEP YOU UP AT NIGHT — “The U.S. government is eager to restore powers to keep dangerous chemicals out of extremists’ hands,” by AP’s Rebecca Santana: “[T]he program, called the Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards, expired July 28 after Congress failed to renew it. Homeland Security officials say this left gaping holes in the country’s national security, and they are calling on Congress to act quickly when it returns this week.”

NEWTON’S FIRST LAW — “Faced With Evolving Threats, U.S. Navy Struggles to Change,” by NYT’s Eric Lipton in Pascagoula, Miss., and Manama, Bahrain: “A new generation of cheaper and more flexible vessels could be vital in any conflict with China, but the Navy remains lashed to big shipbuilding programs driven by tradition, political influence and jobs.”

TOP-ED — “Three service secretaries to Tuberville: Stop this dangerous hold on senior officers,” by Navy Secretary CARLOS DEL TORO, Air Force Secretary FRANK KENDALL and Army Secretary CHRISTINE WORMUTH in WaPo


ONE TO WATCH — “Kim Jong-un and Putin Plan to Meet in Russia to Discuss Weapons,” by NYT’s Edward Wong and Julian Barnes: They’ll “discuss the possibility of supplying Russia with more weaponry for its war in Ukraine and other military cooperation.”

THE VIEW FROM U.S. OFFICIALS — “Ukraine counteroffensive makes ‘notable’ progress near Zaporizhzhia, but it’s a grinding stalemate elsewhere,” by CBS’ Imtiaz Tyab


WHAT ROB MALLEY IS READING — “Iran Slows Buildup of Near-Weapons-Grade Nuclear Fuel,” by WSJ’s Laurence Norman in Berlin: It’s “a move that could ease tensions with the U.S. and help open the way to broader negotiations over its nuclear program.”

PULLOUT FALLOUT — “Pakistani premier claims U.S. military equipment left behind in Afghanistan is now in militant hands,” by AP’s Munir Ahmed in Islamabad


TODAY’S BIG TRIAL — Impeachment proceedings kick off today for Texas AG KEN PAXTON, as state senators take up 16 of 20 articles of impeachment against him. At trial’s end, two-thirds of senators will have to vote to sustain at least one article to remove Paxton from office, effective immediately, as The Texas Tribune lays out in a handy guide. It promises to be a sordid affair, potentially revealing details of Paxton’s extramarital affair — as his wife, state Sen. ANGELA PAXTON, sits right there (though she won’t vote), the Trib’s Robert Downen and Zach Despart preview.

The trial has ballooned into one with national implications, as factions of the GOP squabble over the party’s future and Paxton’s role until now as the far right’s “legal standard-bearer,” NYT’s J. David Goodman reports from Houston. STEVE BANNON and other Paxton supporters have mounted a well-funded public relations campaign to urge Republican state senators to acquit. And they’re threatening primary challenges against state House Republicans who voted to impeach. But in Austin, the far right doesn’t always prevail — as evidenced by the lopsided, bipartisan House vote.

IRA IMPACT — “Warren Buffett’s Green Cash Washes Over Coal Country,” by WSJ’s Scott Patterson in Ravenswood, W.Va.: “Berkshire Hathaway teamed with West Virginia’s Republican lawmakers to launch a solar-powered project, helped by federal IRA incentives.”


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Ted Cruz has wised up about that shark photo.

Elon Musk is feuding with the Anti-Defamation League.

Tim Walz went flying thanks to his daughter.

Joe Biden got a new hat.

FIRST IN PLAYBOOK — Sens. Chris Coons (D-Del.) and Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) will take part in the next debate put on by The Senate Project, happening Sept. 18 at George Washington University. With Ed O’Keefe moderating, the senators will parry arguments about China, bipartisanship and more. The debate co-hosted by the Bipartisan Policy Center, the Orrin G. Hatch Foundation and the Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the U.S. Senate will stream online via CBS.

NEW NOMINEE — Biden plans to nominate longtime aide Courtney O’Donnell to be U.S. permanent representative to the U.N. Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, AP’s Darlene Superville reports. O’Donnell will be the first American rep there in five years after Trump withdrew the U.S. from UNESCO; Biden had the country rejoin this year. O’Donnell currently is a senior adviser to the VP and acting chief of staff for the second gentleman.

TRANSITIONS — Rachael Slobodien is starting this week as comms director for Mike Pence. She’s a Ted Cruz, Club for Growth and Council of Economic Advisers alum. … Lacy Nelson is now press secretary for Sen. Angus King (I-Maine). She most recently was comms director for Georgetown’s Institute of Politics and Public Service. … Zachary Huebschman is now a legislative analyst at OMB. He previously was an associate at Star Cypress Partners.

ENGAGED — Wyatt Dietrick, VP of polling at National Public Affairs, proposed to Melanie Sheppard, a manager in the government and public sector practice at EY, at sunset Friday at the Ritz-Carlton in Naples, Fla. They met in 2018 when he was working at the RNC and she was working at WPAi. PicAnother pic

WEEKEND WEDDINGS — Molly Ryan, legislative assistant to Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), and David Ross, senior government affairs manager at the American Forest & Paper Association and a Rodney Davis alum, got married Saturday in Portland, Maine. They met in D.C. working on the Hill through mutual friends. Pic with Collins

— Ty Bofferding, comms director for Senate HELP ranking member Bill Cassidy (R-La.), and Kenna Maranto, a client solutions manager for CitrusAd, got married Saturday at The Orchard in Hood River, Ore. They met at Washington Mardi Gras in 2017. PicSPOTTED: Greg Walden, Drew Maranto, Ninio Fetalvo, Adam Webb and Meggie Myers, Austin Metsch and Megan Welsh, Patrick Quinn and Juliette St. Romain.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY: Reps. Annie Kuster (D-N.H.) and Tom Kean Jr. (R-N.J.) … theGrio’s April Ryan … Pangiam’s Kevin McAleenan … DGA’s Noam Lee … Atlantic Council’s Fred KempeJessica Mejía … WSJ’s Ted MannRob Lehman … NYT’s Clay RisenMatthew AllenAnne Marie Hoffman of the Harbour Group … Jeremy Furchtgott … CBS’ Kris Van CleaveDale Neugebauer of DNstrategic … Abby McIntyre … Fox News’ Amy Fenton … POLITICO’s Janaki Chadha and Aaron Lorenzo Brian Wolff of the Edison Electric Institute … Natalie CofieldDavid Yarkin of Procurated … Justin Schwab of CGCN Law … Ann Marlow Rachel Janfaza … former Sen. John Danforth (R-Mo.) … Girls Who Code’s Tarika BarrettStephanie Green … Axiom Strategies’ Shawnda Turner 

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Send Playbookers tips to or text us at 202-556-3307. Playbook couldn’t happen without our editor Mike DeBonis, deputy editor Zack Stanton and producers Setota Hailemariam and Bethany Irvine.

Correction: Yesterday’s Playbook misstated Jerry Dunleavy’s work affiliation. He works for the House Foreign Affairs GOP.


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